The animated “Win or Lose” follows a middle school softball team, and each episode is told from...
Day: December 17, 2024
In its efforts to attract visitors, the country extended stays from less than a week to up...
“It’s taken us all aback,” said a professor who led a study revealing that 37 people in...
At the DealBook Summit, nine prominent female leaders set out to answer the question, “Why aren’t there...
The next parliamentary polls are expected to take place by June 30, 2026, said Shafiqul Alam, the...
Scientists found that the dark markings on a species of fluffy wasp reflected less than 1 percent...
The decision was taken at the 265th Syndicate meeting of the university held yesterday (December 17)
Badiul Alam Majumdar, one of the five writ petitioners challenging the 15th amendment, expressed satisfaction with the...
In a landmark verdict, the High Court yesterday scrapped a part of the 15th amendment to the...